Accessibility Plan
Channel Zero Inc. and its subsidiaries, affiliates, and related companies are committed to promoting the independence, dignity, integration, and equality of opportunity of persons with disabilities by ensuring the accessibility of our facilities and services. It is essential that accessibility is ingrained in the way we conduct our day-to-day business, and that we comply with all relevant legislation.

Read our Accessibility Plan 

Accessibility Feedback

Ensuring accessibility is a collective responsibility across the entire Corporation. 

Bruce Cowley serves as our dedicated Accessibility Champion, leading our efforts in this area and is responsible for receiving feedback.

What feedback can you provide?

You can share feedback on any barriers you encounter when interacting with Channel Zero Inc. and offer suggestions to improve our Accessibility Plan. If your feedback concerns a specific issue, please provide detailed information, including the date, platform, and the name of the webpage, application, or program/service involved.

The Accessible Canada Act defines a barrier as:

“…anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice—that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation.”

How your feedback will be used

We value all our customers and strive to meet everyone’s needs. We recognize that feedback provides us with a valuable opportunity to learn and improve our service delivery. Your feedback will be considered as part of our ongoing efforts to enhance accessibility. Some feedback may be addressed immediately, while others may be integrated into future accessibility plans. 

How to provide feedback:
MailAccessibility Champion Channel Zero Inc. 2844 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M6P 1Y7
Telephone(416) 492 1595, extension 1900 (From Monday to Friday, between 9am to 5pm EDT) 
Feedback Form Accessibility feedback form
ResourcesDocuments related to our Accessibility Standard for Customer Service are available upon request and in a format that takes into account the customer’s disability. To request these documents, please contact 

Want to send us feedback anonymously?

Fill out our Accessibility feedback form, leaving your email address field blank. 

We will acknowledge the receipt of all accessibility feedback, except for anonymous submissions.


Your feedback helps us identify, remove, and prevent barriers. It will not be associated with your name and will only be shared with Channel Zero Inc. employees directly involved in our accessibility efforts. 

Request alternate formats

If you wish to request Channel Zero’s accessibility plan or the description of the feedback process in an alternative format, Channel Zero Inc. can be reached by:

Telephone(416) 492 1595, extension 1900 (From Monday to Friday, between 9am to 5pm EDT) 
Feedback Form Accessibility feedback form